Thursday, July 21, 2011

PDF For English Language Learners (Issues That Concern You)

By: Tamara Roleff,
publisher: Greenhaven
Date: 2009, pages: 145, PDF 5.5 mb

Mexican immigrants make up the largest group of immigrants in the United States and are often the focus of debates about English language learners and bilingual education.
It is this inability to speak English—or at the very least, their poor understanding of written and spoken English—

that fuels the debate over what steps private businesses and the government should take so that English language learners can communicate with English and non-English speakers.

The controversy starts in the schools with the question of whether students should be taught in bilingual or English immersion classrooms.

Opponents of bilingual education assert that immersion is the best way to learn, both school subjects and the English language. Immersion is just that—foreign-language students are completely immersed in English with all subjects taught solely in English.

Supporters of immersion teaching maintain that children learn to speak, read, write, and think in English very quickly, and usually within six months they become comfortable enough with their new language that they will start using English outside of the classroom.

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Neuropsychology of Malingering Casebook By J. Morgan

By J. Morgan and J
Publisher: Psychology Press,
Pages: 696, Date: 2008-11-03
ISBN-10 : 1841694789, PDF 3.1 mb

Clinical neuropsychologists frequently evaluate individuals within a forensic context, and therefore must address questions regarding the possible presence of reduced effort, response bias and/or malingering. This volume offers a wide range of instructive real-world case examples involving the complex differential diagnosis where symptom exaggeration and/or malingering cloud the picture.

Written by expert forensic neuropsychologists, the scenarios described provide informed, empirically-based and scientifically-derived opinions on the topic.

Issues related to malingering, such as response bias and insufficient effort, are discussed thoroughly with regard to a large number of clinical conditions and assessment instruments.

Test data and non-test information are considered and integrated by the numerous experts. Expert guidance for clinicians who must address the issue of malingering is provided in a straightforward and well-organized format. To date, there has not been a comparable collection of rich case material relevant to forensic practice in clinical neuropsychology.

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Mental Maths Book 1 (Bk.1) By Anne Foster

By: Anne Foster
publisher: Schofield & Sims Ltd
Date: 2004, pdf 2.6 mb

Mental Maths books develop children’s ability to understand number problems and use their knowledge to resolve them confidently and logically. Book 1 includes:

counting and ordering numbers to 20
repeating patterns
counting money and calculating change
number pairs
simple fractions (half and quarter of shapes)
clock times
ordinal numbers (e.g. 1st/2nd/3rd)
counting in 10s.
Key Stage 1 level for ages 5 to 7

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Test Your Reading

By: Mr Michael Dean
publisher: Longman
date: 2002 , pdf 13 mb

60 tests to improve your reading skills
*Wide variety of tests, including gap-fills, multiple choice, matching exercises, cartoons, and full answer key
*Tips to guide you through the tests

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