Thursday, December 30, 2010

Building Skills for the TOEFL iBT, 2nd Edition Beginning Combined Book

Paul Edmunds, Nancie Mckinnon, Jeff Zeter, Jordan Candlewyck
Compass Publishing | 2009 | ISBN: 1599665204
760 pages | PDF | 69 MB

Building Skills for the TOEFL iBT is part of a three-level test-preparation series designed to prepare learners of English for the TOEFL iBT. In this first level of the series, beginning learners will be able to familiarize themselves with question types found on the TOEFL iBT while covering a variety of disciplines.

In addition, learners can practice their skills in all four test areas: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.

Each book provides comprehensive coverage of the designated skill and offers learners extensive practice.
(1) Examples of and tips for various question types found on the TOEFL iBT
(2) Focused practice of each question type
(3) Guided note-taking activities
(4) Annotated listening passages to support vocabulary development
(5) Graded practice to support systematic development of test skills
(6) Authentic practice test modeled after the TOEFL iBT format
(7) Full answer key and transcripts for all listening exercises and integrated tasks

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English and the Discourses of Colonialism By Alast Pennycook

Routledge Politics of Language Series
By Alast Pennycook
Publisher: Routledge
Pages: 240, ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415178487
zip pdf 4.1 MB

Challenging and provocative, English and the Discourses of Colonialism looks at the English language and its colonial legacy. Through detailed analysis, Alastair Pennycook reveals how colonial practice permeated the discourses of both the colonial and colonized cultures, leaving lasting marks still evident today.

He explores the extent to which English is, as commonly assumed, a language of neutrality and global communication, and to what extent it is, by contrast, a language laden with meanings, still weighed down by its colonial past.

Travel writing, newspaper articles and popular books on English are all referred to, as well as personal experiences and interviews with learners of English in India, Malaysia, China and Australia. Pennycook concludes with an appeal to postcolonial writing as a means of creating a politics of opposition and rupture.

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Building Skills for the TOEFL iBT, 2nd Edition Beginning Speaking

Publisher: Compass Publishing
Date : November 1, 2009
ISBN-10: 1599663503 mp3 | 82.14 Mb

Building Skills for the TOEFL iBT is part of a three-level test-preparation series designed to prepare learners of English for the TOEFL iBT. In this first level of the series, beginning learners will be able to familiarize themselves with question types found on the TOEFL iBT while covering a variety of disciplines.

In addition, learners can practice their skills in all four test areas: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Each book provides comprehensive coverage of the designated skill and offers learners extensive practice.

Key Features of Speaking
(1) Examples of and tips for various question types found on the TOEFL iBT
(2) Focused practice of each question type
(3) Guided note-taking activities
(4) Annotated listening passages to support vocabulary development
(5) Graded practice to support systematic development of test skills
(6) Authentic practice test modeled after the TOEFL iBT format
(7) Full answer key and transcripts for all listening exercises and integrated tasks
(8) Free online sample test at

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Boost! | Longman Integrated Skills Series

LONGMAN | Integrated Skills | 2007
PDF & MP3 | 161.66 MB

The Boost! is the definitive and comprehensive four-level series of skills books for junior EFL learners. The series has been developed around age-appropriate, cross-curricular topics that develop students' critical thinking and examination techniques.

It follows an integrated skills approach with each of the skills brought together at the end of each unit.

• Grammar 2
(Student's Book, Practice Book, Teacher's Book & Audio CD)
• Listening 2
(Student's Book, Teacher's Book & Audio CD)
• Speaking 4
(Student's Book, Teacher's Book & Audio CD)
• Writing 1
(Student's Book, Teacher's Book & Audio CD)
• Writing 2
(Student's Book, Teacher's Book & Audio CD)

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Grammar_2 | Listening_2 | Speaking_4 | Writing_1 | Writing_2
Grammar_2 | Listening_2 | Speaking_4 | Writing_1 | Writing_2

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Destination B2: Grammar and Vocabulary with keys

Malcom Mann
2008 | PDF | 204 Pages | 29 MB

Destination B2 Grammar and Vocabulary is the ideal grammar and vocabulary practice book for students preparing to take a B2 level exam, for example the Cambridge FCE examination or for those students aiming for the IELTS band 5.

This book has up-to-date syllabus based on the B2 (Vantage) level of the Council of Europe's framework; Useful Reference Section including glossary, phrasal verbs, phrases and collocations, word patterns, word formation and US/UK differences; 28 alternating grammar and vocabulary units.

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Master AP English Language & Composition

By Margaret C. Moran, W. Francis Holder
Publisher: Peterson's
Pages: 312, Date: 2007-02-12
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 076892474X, PDF 1.7 MB

The Master AP English Language and Composition book will help you get ready for the AP English Language and Composition exam. You'll get an overview of the exam, subject reviews of key topic areas, and test-taking tips and strategies.

You'll also have the chance to practice your skills and diagnose your strengths and weaknesses by taking three practice tests.

Find detailed answer explanations for every question.
Review key subjects and test-taking strategies.
Use what you learn to target your study time.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Routledge International Handbook of English, Language and Literacy Teaching

By : Dominic Wyse, Richard Andrews and James Hoffman
Publisher: Routledge, Date: 2010 Pages: 581
ISBN: 0415469031
Size: 2.99 MbFormat: PDF

Edited by three authorities in the field, this Handbook presents contributions from experts across the world who report the cutting-edge of international research. It is ground-breaking in its holistic, evidence-informed account that aims to synthesize key messages for policy and practice in English, Language and Literacy Teaching.

A comprehensive collection, the handbook focuses on the three key areas of reading, writing, and language, and issues that cut across them. The international emphasis of all the chapters is extended by a final section that looks directly at different countries and continents.

The authors address many key issues including:
• why pupil motivation is so important
• the evidence for what works in teaching and learning
• the place of Information Technology in the twenty-first century
• the status of English and other languages
• globalisation and political control of education.

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Increase Your Influence at Work | Worksmart Series

By Richard A. Luecke, Perry McIntosh
Publisher: AMACOM
Pages: 112, Date: 2010-07-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0814416012, PDF 661 KB's Complete

People who know how to influence others in the office enjoy a greater measure of control over their work lives and advance their careers more rapidly than others. But what many don't know is that the mysterious quality known as influence can be learned and developed by anyone.

Readers will discover how to develop the most important attributes necessary for influence trustworthiness, reliability, and assertiveness and find out how to move beyond being passive participants in their work lives, and gain the cooperation and attention of those who matter most.

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Basic English for Computing: Student's + Teacher's Book + Audio

By: Eric Glendinning and John McEwan
Publisher: Oxford, Date: 2002 Pages: 130 + 100
ISBN: 0194573966 Size: 127.87 Mb, PDF + MP3

This course is intended for students of computing and information technology with an English level of beginner plus to lower-intermediate. In particular, targeted readers are secondary school and technical college students of 16+ who have studied general English for three years or more.

The book is also intended for professionals who have not studied English formally for some time, and wish to refresh their knowledge of the language within the context of their specialism.

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Effortless English: Business English Success Lessons

By : A. J. Hoge
Size: 604 Mb, Format: PDF + MP3

Does your poor English speaking limit your career? Do you lose opportunities because you can’t speak excellent English? What if your English speaking was excellent now? And what if you also had powerful new business skills?

What new opportunities would you have?
• Would you have a better job?
• Would you have your own international business?
• Would you be financially free?
• Would you have new international business contacts?

Do you feel bored with old English lessons? Do you feel bored with business and with business English? Don’t worry, you’re not alone – most students feel the same. Most business English lessons, in fact, teach business terms that are very old and very formal. The problem is, modern businesspeople don’t speak that way.

If you are a new businessperson - I will help you. I will help you learn business English. And I will help you learn new business skills. I have made new business English lessons just for you. They are called “Business English Success”.

If you are a freelancer, you will love these lessons. If you are an entrepreneur, you will love them. If you hope to someday start your own business, you will love them. If you are an independent, creative businessperson, you will love them. If you are a marketer, or are interested in internet marketing, you will love them.

These are not old business English lessons. These are new business English lessons for the new business world.

8 complete lesson sets include English lessons plus:
• The new business secrets to improving in your job or career
• The number one secret to success in new business
• The “Effortless Success” audio-book, with text
• How to start your own small business
• How to market and grow your career or business online

I’m excited because these lessons teach both business English and new Business. You learn useful ideas to improve your job, career, or business. These lessons focus especially on freelancing, small business and internet business.

I’m excited because these lessons will improve your English AND your new business life.

Each Audio English Lesson Features:
• Vocabulary Lessons
• Listen & Answer Mini-Stories
• Point of View Story Lessons
• Audio Articles

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Perfect Phrases for Writing Job Descriptions

By : Carole Martin
Publisher: McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0071635602
Date: 2009, Pages: 208, Size: 1.09 Mb Format: PDF

Perfect Phrases for Writing Job Descriptions helps you craft job descriptions that attract the best talent and accurately convey job responsibilities. And after you find that ideal candidate, this valuable resource will assist you with performance reviews, goal setting, and accountability.

Hundreds of tips, examples, and sample phrases to help you:
• Get candidates excited about opportunities in your company
• Attract and recruit the very best talent
• Foster communication between supervisors and employees
• Evaluate performance and provide clear feedback to new employees

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Cambridge Grammar in Use Intermediate 2009 3rd Edition Intermediate

By : Raymond Murphy with William R. SmalzerPublisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN-10: 0521734770, Date: 2009, 3rd Edition
Size: 118 Mb.Format: .iso

CD-ROM includes even more practice exercises, progress reports, interactive games, and a link to the Dictionaries Online. Students can also create their own tests to review what they've learned.

Students choose what they want to practice, and progress is recorded so they can go back and improve their scores. They'll also find fun, fast-moving grammar games to play anytime.

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English Grammar Mega Collection (82 eBooks)

Cambridge, Oxford, Longman, McGraw-Hill, etc.
PDF, DjVu, CHM | English | 664 Mb

A huge collection of English grammar books you've ever founded!
List of the books:
01. A Glossary of English Grammar - 141p
02. Alpha Teach Yourself Grammar and Style in 24 Hours - 450p
03. An Introduction to the Grammar of English - 216p
04. Analyzing the Grammar of English - 244p
05. Autotick English Grammar Test Level 3 - 42p [+/-]

06. Basic English Grammar Book 1 for ELLs - 159p
07. Basic English Grammar Book 1 for ELLs - 159p
08. Basic English Grammar Structure and Vocabulary for Adult Students - 306p
09. Big Grammar Book Entry Level - 124p
10. Big Grammar Book Elementary Level - 347p
11. Big Grammar Book Intermediate Level - 311p
12. Big Grammar Book Advanced Level - 98p
13. Big Resource Book Intermediate L1 - 128p
14. Business Grammar Style and Usage
15. Cambridge A Student's Introduction to English Grammar - 320p
16. Cambridge Assessing Grammar - 317p
17. Cambridge English Grammar in Use 3rd Ed CD Exercises - 368p
18. Cambridge English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy, 3rd Ed - 393p
19. Cambridge English Grammar Understanding the Basics - 286p
20. Cambridge Games for Grammar Practice - 19p
21. Cambridge One Language, Two Grammars - 487p
22. Cambridge Singing Grammar - 98p
23. CliffsQuickReview Writing Grammar Usage and Style - 224p
24. CliffsStudySolver English Grammar - 332p
25. Easy-to-Understand English Grammar - 51p
26. English Grammar & Exercises - 276p
27. English Grammar 50-50 Part 1 - 57p
28. English Grammar 50-50 Part 2 - 61p
29. English Grammar For Dummies - 380p
30. English Grammar Workbook For Dummies - 321p
31. English Grammar in Contexts - 19p
32. English Grammar Test Package - 631p
33. English Prepositions Explained - 288p
34. Essential English Grammar - 208p
35. Essential English-A Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook - 150p
36. Focus Structure in Generative Grammar Linguistic Today - 443p
37. Fun with Grammar and Worksheets - 365p
38. Grammar and Style at Your Fingertips - 304p
39. Grammar and Usage for Better Writing - 270p
40. Grammar for Teachers-A Guide to American English - 461p
41. Grammar Games and Activities for Teachers
42. Grammar in Plain English - 413p
43. Grammar Zappers (Intermediate) - 37p
44. Ins and Outs of Prepositions (Grammar)
45. Just Grammar Intermediate - 100p
46. Knowledge Essentials - 210p
47. LearningExpress 501 Grammar & Writing Questions, 1st Ed - 180p
48. LearningExpress Express Review Guides Grammar - 224p
49. LearningExpress Goof-Proof Grammar - 141p
50. LearningExpress Grammar Essentials - 225p
51. LearningExpress Grammar in 15 Minutes a Day - 240p
52. Longman English Grammar Practice for Intermeidate Students - 303p
53. Longman Grammar Express-For Self-Study and Classroom Use - 425p
54. Macmillan First Certificate Language Practice (Grammar & Vocab) - 351p
55. Macmillan My Brilliant Grammar Book - 67p
56. McGraw-Hill English Grammar Demystified-A Self-Teaching Guide - 352p
57. McGraw-Hill English Grammar for ESL Learners - 160p
58. McGraw-Hill English Grammar for the Utterly Confused - 258p
59. McGraw-Hill English Verbs & Essentials of Grammar for ESL Learners - 161p
60. McGraw-Hill Just Enough English Grammar Illustrated - 145p
61. McGraw-Hill Teach Terrific Grammar - 257p
62. McGraw-Hill's Essential ESL Grammar - 354p
63. Oxford Grammar file 1-9 - 34p
64. Oxford Practice Grammar - 435p
65. Painless Grammar - 287p
66. Penguin Grammar Snobs Are Great Big Meanies - 217 p
67. Routledge English Grammar-A University Course - 640p
68. The Briefest English Grammar Ever - 42p
69. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Grammar & Style - 432p
70. The Online English Grammar - 245p
71. The Teacher's Grammar Book - 287p
72. Top 10 Great Grammar for Great Writing - 229p
73. Top 10 Great Grammar for Great Writing (Answer Key) - 40p
74. Top 20 Great Grammar for Great Writing - 304p
75. Top 20 Great Grammar for Great Writing (Answer Key) - 42p
76. Webster Guide to Grammar and Writing
77. When Bad Grammar Happens to Good People - 256p
78. Some Key Points of English Grammar - 14p
79. Understand English Grammar like an English Professor - 12p
80. Cambridge Essential Grammar in Use 2nd Edition
81. Cambridge Grammar for First Certificate - 274p
82. CliffsStudySolver English Grammar

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Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT, 2nd Edition

By Moraig Macgillivray, Patrick Yancey, Casey Malarcher, Jeff Zeter
Publisher: Compass Publishing, Pages: 900, Date: 2009-11-01
ISBN-10 : 1599665220 PDF + Audio

Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT is part of a three-level test-preparation series designed to prepare learners of English for the TOEFL iBT.

In this third level of the series, advanced learners will be able to familiarize themselves with question types found on the TOEFL iBT while covering a variety of disciplines.

In addition, learners can practice their skills in all four test areas: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Each book provides comprehensive coverage of the designated skill and offers learners extensive practice.
Key Features
(1) Examples of and tips for various question types found on the TOEFL iBT
(2) Focused practice of each question type
(3) Guided note-taking activities
(4) Annotated listening passages to support vocabulary development
(5) Graded practice to support systematic development of test skills
(6) Authentic practice test modeled after the TOEFL iBT format
(7) Full answer key and transcripts for all listening exercises and integrated tasks
(8) Audio recordings including over 70 reading passages, more than 130 sample convesations and lectures, as well as over 30 sample responses for speaking tasks available separately
(9) Split editions (Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing) available
(10) Free online sample test at

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Books PDF 59 mb

4 CD Size 172/143/69/117 MB)

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Macmillan English Grammar in Context Series with Key 3-level

Michael Vince and Simon Clarke | Macmillan ELT | 2008
Essential 140507146X | Intermediate 1405071435 | Advanced 1405070544
234/234/242 pages | PDF | English | 44/27/31 Mb

Macmillan English Grammar in Context is a three-level (Essential, Intermediate and Advanced) grammar practice series. Presenting Macmillan English Grammar In Context, a three-level grammar practice series with a difference.

Incorporating contextual examples in grammar practice activities, Macmillan English Grammar In Context is a grammar book that can be used in both the classroom and for self-study.
• Grammar explanations with traditional practice activities and contextual examples
• Cross-curricular content areas include: literature science, geography, history and social science
• Up-to-date 'real' English, informed by the corpora used for the Macmillan School Dictionary
• Includes a focus on lexical grammar with work on collocations, propositions and common verbs
• Most units contain one page of grammar explanation and three pages of practice
• With Key editions available

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Essential | Intermediate | Advanced

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Objective IELTS Advanced Student's

By Annette Capel, Michael Black
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Pages: 144, Date: 2006-07-24
ISBN-10 : 0521608848File size: 105 MB, type: rar / iso

Objective IELTS is a 2-level IELTS preparation course providing comprehensive training for both the Academic and General Training modules. The course is uniquely informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, using analysis of real IELTS candidate papers.

The 2 levels of Objective IELTS can be used on their own or consecutively, so that lower-level students requiring a high band score can start preparing early. Each level offers 60-80 hours of study, which can be extended using the Workbook and CD-ROM.

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ARCO's Preparation for TOEFL, CD-Rom

File size: 38,5 MB
File type: rar

Six complete sample tests, including all the listening comprehensions parts of the exam.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

CliffsNotes For SAT Cram Plan

By William Ma, Jane R. Burstein
Publisher: Cliffs Notes, Pages: 312
Publication Date: 2009-07-27, ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0470470585
Rar'd PDF Size 9.8 mb

It's SAT Crunch Time! Get a plan to ace the exam—and make the most of the time you have left. Whether you have two months, one month, or even just a week left before the exam, you can turn to the experts at CliffsNotes for a trusted and achievable cram plan to ace the SAT—without ever breaking a sweat!

First, you'll determine exactly how much time you have left to prepare for the exam. Then, you'll turn to the two-month, one-month, or one-week cram plan for week-by-week and day-by-day schedules of the best way to focus your study according to your unique timeline.

Each stand-alone plan includes:
Diagnostic test– helps you pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses soyou can focus your review on the topics in which you need the most help
Subject reviews– cover everything you can expect on the actual exam:sentence completions; critical reading passages; vocabulary; essays;grammar and usage; working with numbers; algebra and functions;solving geometry problems; probability, statistics, and data analysis;and applying logic and problem solving

Full-length practice test with answers and detailed explanations–a simulated SAT exam with scoring guide gives you an authentictest-taking experience

Visit the SAT Cram Plan Center for online access to additional practice problems, activities, and more.

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Barron's How to Prepare for the SAT I, 2008 Edition

By Sharon Weiner Green, Ph.D., Ira K. Wolf
Publisher: Barron's Educational Series
Pages: 832, Publication Date: 2006-02-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0764179349

The 2007 edition of Barron’s SAT test preparation manual with enclosed CD-ROM presents one diagnostic test and six full-length practice SATs, all of which reflect the new SAT in length, question types, and degree of difficulty. The CD-ROM reproduces all of the manual’s tests so that they can be taken and scored automatically on a home computer.

Both the manual and the CD-ROM offer an overview of the SAT and its scoring method, and then present extensive subject reviews in critical reading, grammar and usage, and math. They also offer detailed guidance for preparing and composing the test’s required student-written essay.

In addition to the full-length practice tests, all of the manual’s extra practice and review questions are presented on the CD-ROM with automatic scoring. College-bound students will find that Barron’s all-new combination SAT manual with CD-ROM is true state-of-the-art preparation for one of the most important tests that they will ever take.

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Part 1 | Part 2 

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SAT Vocabulary Express: Word Puzzles Designed to Decode the New SAT

By Jacqueline Byrne, Michael Ashley
Publisher: McGraw-Hill, Pages: 224, size 36.93 mb
Publication Date: 2004-09-23, ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0071443266

A fun way to build vocabulary and boost SAT scores Word puzzles are a proven tool for building vocabulary. They nudge the puzzler gently toward shades of meaning, synonym recognition, contextual interpretation, and making educated guesses--all the mental tricks needed to do well on the SAT verbal section.

In SAT Vocabulary Express, a top test-prep coach teams up with a leading crossword puzzle author to offer students a fun, effective alternative to standard vocabulary builders.

A unique learning tool for breaking the code in the SAT verbal section, this book features:

* Dozens of crosswords, anagrams, acrostics, cryptograms, and other fun, skill-building puzzles
* Brainteasers that stimulate vocabulary mastery
* Tips and techniques for using the puzzles to pump up vocabularies to unprecedented levels--painlessly!

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Critical Reading and Writing Workbook for the New SAT

Publisher: Barron's Educational Series,
PDF rar 3.17 mb Critical Reading :  2.29M, Writing : 1.43M

Critical Reading : Concentrating on the Critical Reading section of the newly structured SAT college entrance exam, this test-preparation workbook presents tips, questions, answers, and answer explanations for the section’s two main question types—sentence completion questions and reading comprehension questions—as well as extensive vocabulary review.

Both the sentence completion and the reading comprehension exercises are organized according to level of difficulty and presented in three sections, labeled from A to C. Students who master Level C in both parts are well on the road to achieving a high Critical Reading score when they take the actual SAT. This new workbook replaces Barron's Verbal Workbook for the New SAT, 11th Edition.

Writing : The totally restructured SAT college entrance exam that became effective in 2005 includes an entirely new and very important Writing Test, which consists of two main parts. First is a 25-minute period during which students must write an essay on a given topic. Later, students must answer multiple-choice questions that test their skill in correcting poorly-written sentences, finding mistakes in grammar and usage, and correcting mistakes in the first-draft version of a student essay.

This manual familiarizes students with all aspects of the SAT Writing Test and presents review chapters and questions with answers that are designed to hone test-takers' skills. Also included is a helpful overview of the Writing Test and details on how student essays are scored. This manual presents five writing tests. The first introduces students to the test's format and the following four are similar to the actual SAT writing test in length and question types. All tests have answers and explanations, and come with instructions on how students can convert their practice test score to the familiar SAT scale of 200-800.

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Djvu For Algorithmics for Hard Computing Problems

 Introduction to Combinatorial Optimization, Randomization, Approximation, and Heuristics
By Juraj Hromkovic, Publisher: Springer
Pages: 492, Publication Date: 2001-06-15
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 3540668608
Djvu, 4.48 MB, 400 dpi, OCR'ed, pages 14-15 missing

This book is an introduction to the methods of designing algorithms for hard computing tasks. This area has developed very dynamically in the last years and is one of the kernels of current research in algorithm and complexity theory.

The book mainly concentrates on approximate, randomized and heuristic algorithms, and on the theoretical and experimental comparison of these approaches according to the requirements of the practice.

There exist several monographs specializing in some of these methods, but no book systematically explains and compares all main possibilities of attacking hard computing problems. Since the topic is fundamental for the university study in computer science and essential for the transfer of formal methods to the practice, the aim of the book is to close this gap by providing at once a textbook for graduate students and a handbook for practitioners dealing with hard computing problems.

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Teacher's Grammar of English: A Course Book and Reference Guide, with answers

 By Ron Cowan
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Pages: 724, Publication Date: 2008-05-26
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0521809738
RAR file, 61.425 MB

The Teacher's Grammar of English is a comprehensive resource text designed to help ESL/EFL teachers understand and teach American English grammar. The Teacher's Grammar of English is a comprehensive resource text designed to help ESL/EFL teachers and teachers-in-training understand and teach American English grammar.

In addition to complete, up-to-date coverage on form, meaning, and usage, each chapter includes practical suggestions for teaching, as well as a unique section that analyzes common errors made by learners from different first-language backgrounds, based on current research in second-language acquisition.

Review exercises throughout each chapter make the book an ideal text for a course on English grammar. An answer key is included. A chapter of past and present instructional practices provides an overview of the debate surrounding the teaching of grammar.

Thank for original uploder

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Collection For English Together

By Diana Webster, Anne Worrall
Publisher: Longman
Pubil's Bk. 3 : PDF, 23.7 M.B.
Action Bk. 3 : PDF, 12.9 M.B.
Teachers' Guide Bk. 2 :PDF, 15.1 M.B.

Language selection is based on what is useful and natural
Constant revision help consolidate learning
Each level is story-based to provide an exciting context for learning

Fun activities including crosswords, puzzles and drawing *Imaginative writing
and listening tasks *Consolidation of language covered in the Pupil's book

*The Teacher's Guide provides clear teaching notes, ideas for extra activities and tests *An easy-to-use reference chart for each lesson, outlining revision and new language *Extra 'Games and Activities' section with each unit *Photocopiable tests

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