Saturday, May 1, 2010

Barron's GRE: Graduate Record Examination, books plus CD

 By Sharon Weiner Green, Ira K. Wolf

Publisher: Barron's Educational Series
Pages: 560, Publication Date : 2007-08-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0764179497
7 mb pdf scanned book plus CD 

This 17th edition of Barron’s GRE manual reflects recent Graduate Record Exams and presents six full-length model exams with all questions answered and explained. Tests are similar to recent actual GREs in length, question types, and degree of difficulty.

The manual also reviews all GRE test topics: antonym, analogy, and sentence-completion questions, reading comprehension, analytical writing, quantitative comparison questions, data interpretation, and math. The enclosed CD-ROM contains computerized versions of the book’s subject reviews and practice tests.

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