Author : Steven J. Matthiesen
Publisher: Barron's Educational Series
Description: Students of English as a Second Language will find vital help as they build a large English vocabulary. Nearly 500 words are listed with definitions and pronunciation help. There is also detailed advice for dramatically expanding one’s vocabulary with help from a standard dictionary and a thesaurus. Practice tests with answer keys help students measure their progress as they develop increased fluency in English.
*This book is the WORST book ever in my life for TOEFL.
*This is the most useless book I have read in a long time. I routinely answer only about 50% of the readers digest vocabulary questions correctly and yet, in this book I didn't find a single unknown word.
*Clear, compact and concise,"Essential Words for TOEFl" will give you instant understanding as well as review to score highest. Look no further.This small handbook is what you are looking for if you are preparing for the TOEFL.
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